I have a range of projects that need funding with your help. All you have to do is click on the PayPal button and donate as little or as much as you wish. If you are feeling especially generous you might consider a regular amount.
All the money that goes into the PayPal account will be used to create short films (maybe even some long films), comedy sketches, documentaries and a range of podcasts. Everything I make will be made available free online, a good deal and better value than the TV Licence I'm sure you'll agree.

Friday, 29 January 2016

February Newsletter

To celebrate the fact that today is the first pay day after Christmas and we are all back in funds, I have brought the February newsletter out a few days early. What with today being the first Friday with a full wallet since being paid early last month, what better time than now to remind you about how much value you will get compared to the TV Licence.

There are a few reasonably big filming projects in waiting, and all it takes is a good blast of funding. Every penny that is donated using the PayPal button will be used to create short films, documentaries, podcasts, live performances and all manner of quality entertainment that I will put online to be enjoyed by everyone for nothing. This includes a chat show, a radio drama (both recorded in front of an audience and released online for free), and the pilot episode of Saturday Breakfast.

If you head over to my shop page there's a host of ways to help, including Sunday Alternative bags and t-shirts, audio books, and the chance to have a kazoo rendition of your favourite song recorded just for you.

So why not celebrate the first pay day of the year by donating £3.65 and getting everything I provide for just a penny a day (with a bonus day as it's a leap year), if you do it now before you go wasting it in food and utility bills then it is done for the year. Of course you could pay more if you want or even make a regular donation if you want to, it all goes to provide entertainment. Maybe one day I will be able to quit working for a firm of solicitors (possibly before they realise I don't really know what I'm doing) and draw a wage from this but for now I am happy to be the giver of fine art (or to piss about playing the kazoo).

In other news:

The Sunday Alternative Podcast rolls along every week, appearing online every Sunday, would you believe? Listen to past episodes here.

Bowie Day: The audio book of my short story is available to download for free with the option to pay what you like. It would be cool if you pay something though because it goes in the creative fund. Download it from here.

The Sunday Alternative Live: No immediate plans to do this again but there will be sporadic video releases of past gigs over the coming weeks. Check out The Sunday Alternative channel on YouTube, also contains performances from the radio show.

The Random Saturday Sessions: The final Nottingham tour (maybe) takes place on Saturday 30th January before branching out to other towns and cities, past episodes are available to watch from here.