Like it or not, Christmas is getting closer and so in the spirit of the season I am here to give you some present ideas. First though, the news.
The Random Saturday Sessions has kicked off and at the time of writing this newsletter there are two episodes already up from Paul Warnin and George Gadd. This doesn't cost anything to film (although it would be nice to have money available to pay everyone's travel expenses at least) but the editing is a time consuming process.
All the news about the work of Steve Oliver. To contact Steve, email or follow @SteveOliver76
I have a range of projects that need funding with your help. All you have to do is click on the PayPal button and donate as little or as much as you wish. If you are feeling especially generous you might consider a regular amount.
All the money that goes into the PayPal account will be used to create short films (maybe even some long films), comedy sketches, documentaries and a range of podcasts. Everything I make will be made available free online, a good deal and better value than the TV Licence I'm sure you'll agree.