I have a range of projects that need funding with your help. All you have to do is click on the PayPal button and donate as little or as much as you wish. If you are feeling especially generous you might consider a regular amount.
All the money that goes into the PayPal account will be used to create short films (maybe even some long films), comedy sketches, documentaries and a range of podcasts. Everything I make will be made available free online, a good deal and better value than the TV Licence I'm sure you'll agree.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014


I don't do enough of these newsletters, but that's because there isn't a lot to say most of the time. Here is a brief update on what's going on in Planet Oliver...

The Sunday Alternative relaunching as a podcast has been a huge success, so thank you to everyone who has listened so far. Don't forget to tell your friends.

I'm still doing the American show every week. It won't be long until I'm at 100 editions of The Sound Of Nottingham UK.

I am developing two Internet television projects at the moment, The Sunday Alternative and Saturday Breakfast. TSA will be fortnightly (alternating weeks with the audio podcast) and SB will be weekly but filmed in a series bulk. Both will feature the best live music from around the country while at the same time remaining focused on the Nottingham music scene. I am filming a pilot TSA so that we can look at it and see what needs doing, which although being labelled as a none-broadcast will probably be released online at a much later date.

Filming a pilot edition of SB will be a little trickier, as I have only heard back from one suitable venue (it has to be a venue with a kitchen) and they want three hundred pounds for room hire. On top of other costs I reckon we can film it for five hundred and come away with something workable. I may even use the pilot as the fund raising video on a crowd funding site, or use it to try and gain sponsorship. Even if the pilot is filmed at this place I don't think we'll use it for a full series as the owners don't seem (at this point) to appreciate that it will essentially be an advert for them too.

These two little projects are top of my list at the moment, which is why I am once again passing my hat round. Once I have made the shows, they will become available online absolutely free of charge. Please find it in your hearts (and pockets) to make a small donation (or a big one) using the PayPal button on this page. I am not out to make a profit, I am just out to provide entertainment.

I will also put the money that my main blog makes from Kindle subscriptions, and downloads from my Bandcamp page.

Many, many thanks in advance
